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copy of Multiplication & Division Quick Starts Workbook, Grades 4-8+

Product Number: CD-405039

This resource book for middle and upper grade math teachers provides quick, daily warm-ups to prepare students for upcoming lessons.

The Multiplication & Division Quick Starts workbook includes multiplication and division with whole numbers, fractions, and decimals, as well as in word problems. Activities include models, quick drills, problems in vertical and horizontal format, explanations and examples, and reviews. Each page features two to four quick starts that can be cut apart and used separately. The entire page may also be used as a whole-class or individual assignment.

The Quick Starts Series provides students in grades 4 through 8+ with quick review activities in science, math, language arts, and social studies. The activities provide students with a quick start for the day’s lesson and help students build and maintain a powerful domain-specific vocabulary. Each book is correlated to current state, national, and provincial standards.


This resource book for middle and upper grade math teachers provides quick, daily warm-ups to prepare students for upcoming lessons.

The Multiplication & Division Quick Starts workbook includes multiplication and division with whole numbers, fractions, and decimals, as well as in word problems. Activities include models, quick drills, problems in vertical and horizontal format, explanations and examples, and reviews. Each page features two to four quick starts that can be cut apart and used separately. The entire page may also be used as a whole-class or individual assignment.

The Quick Starts Series provides students in grades 4 through 8+ with quick review activities in science, math, language arts, and social studies. The activities provide students with a quick start for the day’s lesson and help students build and maintain a powerful domain-specific vocabulary. Each book is correlated to current state, national, and provincial standards.


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Carson-Dellosa® Publishing Group
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