This Dice Activities for Division book, from the authors of the popular Dice Activities series, presents more than 20 different games for developing fluency with divisors, dividends, quotients, and remainders. With a solid handle on division facts, students are prepared for the more complex study of fractions and pre-algebra concepts. Teacher notes include suggestions for differentiating instruction and discussion questions. Variations for each activity provide extra fun and challenge for students who are ready for it! Includes CD for IWB presentation and interactive fun! 112 pages
This Dice Activities for Division book, from the authors of the popular Dice Activities series, presents more than 20 different games for developing fluency with divisors, dividends, quotients, and remainders. With a solid handle on division facts, students are prepared for the more complex study of fractions and pre-algebra concepts. Teacher notes include suggestions for differentiating instruction and discussion questions. Variations for each activity provide extra fun and challenge for students who are ready for it! Includes CD for IWB presentation and interactive fun! 112 pages